The brand new legal thus offered Hann’s action having bottom line view concerning accountability and rejected ECMC’s

The brand new legal thus offered Hann’s action having bottom line view concerning accountability and rejected ECMC’s

One to reality, in combination with the latest case of bankruptcy court’s “comprehensive article on the fresh new Allege Objection and the Allege,” persuaded the BAP you to definitely “the brand new case of bankruptcy legal discovered that there can be no obligation” left towards financing since the fresh petition big date

The new personal bankruptcy judge concurred with Hann, concluding your Allege Purchase reflected the prior judge’s devotion one “the responsibility [remaining] towards [ECMC’s] claim ? is no.” The court including indexed ECMC’s repeated incapacity to identify otherwise assess a fantastic financial obligation responsibility. Hann upcoming waived this lady left says and you will, in the court’s guidelines, submitted an affidavit away from fees and will cost you, to which ECMC objected. The fresh new judge registered finally judgment for Hann, purchasing “you to she owes absolutely nothing to the brand new accused” and you may “awarding [her] can cost you and you may charges ? while the a corrective sanction getting [ECMC’s] violation of the Case of bankruptcy Code’s discharge injunction.” See 11 U.S.C. § 524(a) (starting an automatic injunction facing perform intended to collect an already released personal debt).

ECMC appealed into the case of bankruptcy appellate panel (BAP), and this confirmed. Hann v. Educ. Borrowing from the bank Mgmt. Corp. (For the lso are Hann ), 476 B.R. 344 (B.A beneficial.P. initially Cir.2012). New BAP said that an important question was not perhaps the debt is actually dischargeable, but alternatively if or not ECMC’s allege try disallowed “on the grounds of pre-petition percentage in full.” Id. at 356. Therefore, discharge is irrelevant while the “you don’t need to help you except off discharge a financial obligation and therefore no longer is present.” Id. (violation and you will stress omitted). With presented the trouble by doing this, the latest BAP ascribed “critical importance” to the fact that Hann got objected to help you ECMC’s allege to the the ground that she had already paid down the debt completely. Id. Appropriately, this new BAP affirmed new honor out-of sanctions, outlining you to definitely ECMC’s continued collection circumstances facing the Allege Acquisition “constituted a punishment of the bankruptcy proceeding techniques and defiance of court’s power.” Id. in the 360. ECMC now is attractive the new BAP’s choice.

Ropes & Gray, 65 F

One or two basics ability prominently regarding the parties’ objections: claim allocation (otherwise disallowance), hence “sale solely for the liberties from a collector against property from a good debtor’s bankruptcy house”; and you may dischargeability, which “concerns whether a creditor may, following admission out-of case of bankruptcy discharge, always go after the enforcement of the financial obligation since a personal accountability contrary to the debtor.” Gregory v. You.S. Dep’t off Educ. (From inside the re also Gregory ), 387 B.R. 182, 188 (Bankr.N.D.Ohio 2008). Dischargeability, although not, is not actually under consideration right here. ECMC says that the BAP mistook this new disallowance regarding ECMC’s claim for a discharge, for example incorrectly kept “one to your order disallowing a section 13 allege necessarily discharges an underlying nondischargeable loans.” Although BAP told you no eg question. Rather, they concluded that the challenge in this situation “isn’t if a beneficial nondischargeable obligations is discharged of the advantage of its disallowance, but whether or not there is a personal debt anyway the spot where the allege has been disallowed on the grounds of pre-petition payment in full.” 476 B.R. from the 356 (stress added). 2 And you may ECMC now agrees you to definitely a claim disallowance acquisition is melt a main nondischargeable personal debt if it’s considering an effective truthful discovering that your debt might have been paid down-ECMC merely disputes if or not that basically occurred in cases like this. Hence, an important concern here’s merely perhaps the Allege Acquisition disallowed ECMC’s claim on the floor you to definitely Hann had currently paid back the lady fund (in which particular case dischargeability try near the area). I envision you to courtroom question de novo. Pick Sharfarz v. Goguen (During the lso are Goguen ), 691 F.3d 62, 68 (initially Cir.2012); cf. Monarch Lifestyle Ins. Co. v. three-dimensional 973, 983 (first Cir.1995). I after that address the challenge out of sanctions. step 3

The brand new legal thus offered Hann’s action having bottom line view concerning accountability and rejected ECMC’s

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