Motivation Cognitive Dissonance, Self-Perception, Expectancy-Value

according to cognitive dissonance theory human beings are motivated to

Cognitive dissonance theory began by postulating that pairs of cognitions can be either relevant or irrelevant to one another. However, if two cognitions are relevant, but conflicting, the existence of dissonance would cause psychological discomfort and motivate the individual to act upon this. The greater the magnitude of dissonance, the greater the pressure for the individual to reduce the dissonance (Harmon-Jones & Mills, 2019). The existence of dissonance and the mechanisms that humans used to cope with it captured Festinger’s interest in developing cognitive dissonance theory. Our discussion starts with cognitive dissonance—one of the most prominent topics in social psychology. The central thesis of cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) is that when two beliefs are inconsistent, individuals experience negatively arousing cognitive conflict (called dissonance).

  • It was originally not reserved for animal meat but could be used to describe any type of solid food (Singer, 1995).
  • Prevention programs based on cognitive dissonance and the use of the Internet have been widely and successfully implemented among female college models, but their use has not yet filtered down to the school setting.
  • For this reason Maslow believed that very few people actually reach the level of self-actualization, and it is a lifelong process for the few who do.

Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience

They found that the dissonance-induction techniques did indeed produce significant reductions in thin-ideal internalization and bulimic pathology that were equivalent to those produced in the full intervention. Stice and colleagues found that reductions in thin-ideal internalization often preceded reductions in the negative outcome variables (i.e., body dissatisfaction, eating pathology) but only in the DBI group. From these results, we can conclude that DBIs work by changing thin-ideal internalization and that it is the change in internalization that leads to reductions in the other outcome variables. These results are significant because they provide support for cognitive dissonance and addiction the tripartite influence model in which internalization is a necessary component for the development of body dissatisfaction and subsequent bulimic pathology.

Some effects of thoughts on anti- and prosocial influences of media events: A cognitive-neoassociation analysis

For example, a small 2019 study notes that dissonance-based interventions may be helpful for people with eating disorders. This approach works by encouraging people to say things or role-play behaviors that contradict their beliefs about food and body image. A young adult intends to quit smoking after realizing that smoking is harmful to health (positive attitude). Their friends and family encourage them to quit (subjective norm), and they believe they can stick to the plan with the help of nicotine patches (perceived behavioral control).

Control of: behavior, information, thought, emotion

The expert counselors produced greater change on an immediate assessment and an assessment taken one week later. The result suggests that participants may have been motivated to reconsider the information provided by the expert after the therapy session. There are plenty of sources, mostly scientific articles and books, that provide a wide overview of the literature on cognitive dissonance. After about a half century of the development of the theory, several authors have published condensed works and state-of-the-art pieces concerning the topic, but they often suggest a partially deviant point of view. Aronson 1992 and Brehm 2007, written by two of Festinger’s historical students, offer historical anecdotic information as well as keystones to understand the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance.

according to cognitive dissonance theory human beings are motivated to

The Theory of Animal Mind: Evidence of Influencing Psychological Theories

according to cognitive dissonance theory human beings are motivated to

Therefore, changes are more likely to happen in an element that is less resistant or less important (Cooper, 2007). An individual may fail to restore a consonance, if there is a lack of social support and new harmonious elements, or the existing problematic element is too satisfying (Harmon-Jones & Harmon-Jones, 2007). A diabetic patient starts monitoring their blood glucose levels after attending a support group where others shared how self-monitoring improved their health. Observing positive outcomes in peers (observational learning) increases their confidence (self-efficacy). Over time, the patient’s environment, behavior, and personal beliefs interact to reinforce this new habit.

  • Based on this intellectual tradition, Festinger was able to predict the magnitude of dissonance in different situations.
  • Dillman, Smyth and Christian (2009) viewed survey response as a voluntary action within a context of reciprocal social obligations, and showed how survey procedures can build a positive social exchange with prospective survey participants.
  • The individuals are therefore motivated to reduce the conflict by justifying the decision they have made.
  • Importantly, a person holding dissonant cognitions only rarely experiences them psychologically as inconsistent in the long term.
  • The reasons for this enhancement include increased motivation on the part of the client and a more positive view about the likelihood of therapeutic success.

A cognitive dissonance perspective on threats to self-concept in obsessive-compulsive disorder

according to cognitive dissonance theory human beings are motivated to

The cognitive discrepancy phase considered a conflict between two or more cognitive elements. The motivation phase focused on the motivational nature of dissonance to reduce the psychological discomfort. Lastly, the discrepancy reduction phase related to dissonance reduction mechanisms.

according to cognitive dissonance theory human beings are motivated to

Motivation Cognitive Dissonance, Self-Perception, Expectancy-Value

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